Site icon GRUPO CEAS Abogados & Consultores


  • Legal Counseling:
    Comprehensive support and guidance of projects totaling
    more than 8.500 million dollars.
  • Consulting:
    Generation, drafting and/or amendments to more
    than 90 legal and regulatory norms.
  • Training:
    More than 30,000 public and private professionals
    trained during 5,500 academic hours.
  • R+D+I:
    More than 100 indexed books
    and articles published.
To provide legal advice, support and strategic counseling in business matters, both for public and private projects, from conception to completion, with the support of a specialized, multidisciplinary, national and international working team of great academic prestige and professional renown.

The strategic alliances that CEAS maintains are not only inherent to its core business, —as its own name specifically states “CONSULTORES ESTRATÉGICOS ASOCIADOS”—but also prove the highly specialized services provided by all CEAS partners inside this network, additional to and complementing CEAS services in their fields of expertise. They are also part of the Group’s strategy to expand around the world.


ARBE, a Peruvian law firm with headquarters in Lima, has opened an office space for CEAS to provide services under its own brand and develop activities to support CEAS clients’ projects, whether Ecuadorian or international. ARBE also collaborates offering additional services to ours, in several areas such as corporate, financing, banking, and insurance matters, pension funds and stock market. This important law firm is our local counterpart, with the reliability and necessary back-up needed in all matters referring specifically to the Peruvian law, considering as well the cultural environment and the local corporate standpoint.


Vivanco y Vivanco is the perfect complement to our professional services in areas such as trust funds, corporate operations, organization of board of directors, bank accounts structuring, fulfillment of fiduciary provisions, human mobility, visas, and global support for the protection and corporate security of our clients. This alliance also allows us to expand our coverage and offer services in foreign countries such as England, the United States of America (Miami), Canada, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Argentina and Panama.


LEXIS is an Ecuadorian company, leader in the development of digital tools and comprehensive databases to facilitate legal research and analysis, and expand knowledge in every legal field.

LEXIS is a strategic partner serving as a specialized support in all consultancy work carried out directly or jointly with CEAS. As well, CEAS is the exclusive training provider and channel for all types of consultancy services required by LEXIS clients, within CEAS fields of expertise.


We maintain permanent alliances with two prestigious Spanish Universities Castilla La Mancha and Salamanca, to reinforce our TRAINING and CONSULTANCY services at national, Latin-American and European level. Some of the international conferences we organize, such as the Public Procurement Congress, as well as several consultancies mainly related to areas of Public Law and institutional legal architecture, are carried out with the sponsorship and academic support of these universities and with the incorporation into our professional staff of the most renowned jurists collaborating with the aforementioned higher education institutions.


With ATREVIA, the top Spanish global communications consulting company, we maintain a partnership agreement to underpin the work performed by our teams (legal/communicational) and to procure the required support to guarantee the successful fulfillment of public projects in Latin America. This collaboration provides a useful assistance in order to communicate the impacts and results of our work, and to manage specialized communication techniques, needed for crisis management, brand positioning, communication during critical times, etc.

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